read more about the MARCS System on
the "Official" - State Of
Ohio MARCS Page,
Here |
MARCS System is a statewide radio system that
will give the agencies that subscribe to it,
the ability to have contiguous communications
throughout the state.
from the Sate of Ohio site:
State of Ohio realized back in 1990 there
were serious problems with the communications
systems utilized by their public safety and
service agencies. This was evident after the
Shadyside flood disaster in 1989. First responders
were unable to communicate with each other
even though they had portable and mobile radios.
The inability to communicate between responders
created serious issues when attempting to
rescue and evacuate people on either side
of the raging river. The State of Ohio conducted
in-depth studies of the lack of statewide
interoperability communications, resulting
in the development of a statewide voice and
data communications system providing the bridge
between the communications gap. The state's
initiative was coined MARCS or Multi-Agency
Radio Communications System. MARCS would provide
the State of Ohio with the ability to have
first responders communicate with other public
safety or service providers statewide.
Even though this is a state initiative it
is setup to run in a rotary capacity, which
simply means that the subscriber base covers
the operating expenses without generating
a profit. Therefore, as the customer base
grows the price for the service decreases
enabling customers to buy more services and
spend less on each device. MARCS deployed
in 2002 and currently only costs $19 per month
to subscribe to the voice service. This means
an agency may buy a portable radio or a mobile
radio for their vehicles and then pay for
the service, providing taxpayers with a substantial
return on their investment.
It was a common fact; 10 years ago many public
safety agencies built and managed independent
radio systems for control and technological
constraints. These systems were very costly
and contributed to the need for a statewide
commonly shared communications system. MARCS
provides the ability for interoperability
at a reduction in individual operational costs.
MARCS enables public safety and service providers
to concentrate on providing their core services.
An example would be a small police agency
in rural Ohio possessing a need for mobile
data communications that would facilitate
checking for criminals. If they were to spend
all their money on the infrastructure then
the necessary money for developing software
may not be available.
In summary, our society's public leaders must
continually strive to glean the most value
from their expenditures. Therefore, it is
no longer necessary to build islands of communications
equipment. The MARCS system continues to strive
for interoperable communications for public
safety responders to communicate properly
within Ohio cost effectively, from anywhere,